State County Country |
Intersection (Lat, Lng) |
Type Status |
Control Type / Other Control Type | Approaches / Driveways / ICD (m) |
Functional Class / LaneType |
Year Completed | Comments |
West 26 Industrial Estate,
England Kirklees United Kingdom |
A58 (Whitehall Rd.) / A638 (Bradford Rd.) / Bradford Rd. / M62 Ramps / M606 Ramps (53.73684, -1.72640) |
Signalized Roundabout/Circle Existing |
Signal None |
7 Approaches 0 Driveways 325.0000 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (3+ Lane) |
Racetrack shaped. ICD = 325 m x 275 m. | |
MA Suffolk Co. United States |
Copeland Circle [Rte 60 (Squire Rd.) / US 1 Ramps] (42.43008, -71.01710) |
Rotary Existing |
Unknown Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 381.0000 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, 2x2 max) |
Retrofitted (November 2018) with multi-lane approaches/departures on the Route 1 ramps and roundabout style pavement markings and signs within the circulating roadway. ICD = 1250 ft x 880 ft. 21442 | |
MA Suffolk Co. United States |
Morrissey Blvd. / Neponset Ave. (Rte 3A) / Redfield St. / Gallivan Blvd. (Rte 203) / Walnut St. (42.28656, -71.04280) |
Signalized Roundabout/Circle Existing |
Signal None |
6 Approaches 3 Driveways 499.9997 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (3+ Lane) |
ICD = 500 ft x 325 ft. | |
MD Prince Georges Co. United States |
Ritchie-Marlboro Rd. / I-95 SB Ramps (38.86894, -76.84738) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 770.9968 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (3+ Lane) |
2001 | Opening initially with two lanes. Expanded from two lanes to three lanes in 2010. 21442 |