State County Country |
Intersection (Lat, Lng) |
Type Status |
Control Type / Other Control Type | Approaches / Driveways / ICD (m) |
Functional Class / LaneType |
Year Completed | Comments |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Motivation Dr. / Challenge Blvd. / Excellence Dr. (-31.79617, 115.83144) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
SR 83 (Gnangara Rd.) / Hartman Dr. (-31.80228, 115.83512) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Stirling Australia |
Princess Rd. / Etchingham Rd. / Wilmington Crescent (-31.86135, 115.83547) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Stirling Australia |
Arkana Rd. / Princess Rd. (-31.86651, 115.83551) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Hartman Dr. / Kingsway (-31.81334, 115.83628) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
SR 82 (Hepburn Ave.) / Hartman Dr. (-31.82088, 115.83710) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Stirling Australia |
Princess Rd. / Camberwell Rd. / (parking) (-31.85596, 115.83737) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Stirling Australia |
Princess Rd. / Balga Ave. / (parking) (-31.85536, 115.83815) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Girrawheen Ave. / Nanovich Ave. (-31.84273, 115.83962) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Kingsway / Macdonagh Ave. / Boodjar Rise (-31.81322, 115.83992) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Girrawheen Ave. / Amberton Ave. (-31.84068, 115.84032) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Stirling Australia |
Arkana Rd. / Walderton Ave. (-31.86642, 115.84080) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Highclere Blvd. / Rawlinson Dr. (-31.82780, 115.84134) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
SR 82 (Hepburn Ave.) / Highclere Blvd. (-31.82094, 115.84135) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Russell Rd. / Hammond Rd. / Frankland Ave. (-32.16041, 115.84239) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Kwinana Australia |
Sulphur Rd. / Price Pkwy. (-32.23659, 115.84333) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Stirling Australia |
Balga Ave. / Walderton Ave. (-31.85565, 115.84360) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Kingsway / Ashdale Blvd. / Evandale Rd. (-31.81321, 115.84485) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Hammond Rd. / Wentworth Parade / Tongaroo Blvd. (-32.15368, 115.84632) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Brushfoot Blvd. / Papillon Rd. / Jardine St. (-32.15864, 115.84643) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Brushfoot Blvd. / Caterpillar Rd. / Awl Way (-32.15584, 115.84644) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Prestige Parade / Prosperity Ave. / Apex Way (-31.79117, 115.84663) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Prestige Parade / Distinction Rd. (-31.79533, 115.84669) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
SR 83 (Gnangara Rd.) / Prestige Parade / Attwell St. (-31.79826, 115.84736) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Kwinana Australia |
Bertram Rd. / Mortimer Rd. / Johnson Rd. (-32.25530, 115.84753) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Rawlinson Dr. / Jefferson Dr. (-31.82872, 115.84922) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Hammond Park,
WA Cockburn Australia |
Rowley Rd. / Irvine Parade (-32.18053, 115.85035) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Wentworth Parade / Meridian St. (-32.15337, 115.85064) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 2 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Mirrabooka Ave. / Rawlinson Dr. / (parking) (-31.82890, 115.85225) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
SR 82 (Hepburn Ave.) / Mirrabooka Ave. (-31.82095, 115.85436) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Mirrabooka Ave. / Kingsway (-31.81140, 115.85455) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
Mirrabooka Ave. / Montrose Ave. / Koondoola Ave. (-31.84213, 115.85527) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Bull Creek,
WA Melville Australia |
Parry Ave. / Bull Creek Dr. (-32.05659, 115.85651) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Wentworth Parade / Bartram Rd. (-32.14571, 115.85674) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Wanneroo Australia |
SR 83 (Mirrabooka Ave.) / Gnangara Rd. (-31.79740, 115.85681) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Bull Creek,
WA Melville Australia |
Parry Ave. / Benningfield Rd. (-32.05642, 115.85849) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Melville Australia |
Farrington Rd. / Findlay Rd. (-32.07955, 115.85883) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Bull Creek,
WA Melville Australia |
Bull Creek Dr. / Camm Ave. (-32.04914, 115.85949) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Yield-controlled left-turn bypass lane on north leg. | |
WA Stirling Australia |
Chesterfield Rd. / Sudbury Rd. / Ashbury Crescent (-31.86875, 115.86079) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Aubin Grove,
WA Cockburn Australia |
Lyon Rd. / Gaebler Rd. (-32.16842, 115.86112) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Kwinana Australia |
Rowley Rd. / Lyon Rd. (-32.18054, 115.86126) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Bartram Rd. / Brenchley Dr. / Aurora Dr. (-32.14605, 115.86283) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Stirling Australia |
Boyare Ave. / Northwood Dr. (-31.85897, 115.86297) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Karel Ave. / SR 3 (Roe Hwy.) WB Ramps (-32.08701, 115.86359) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Raindrop shaped. | |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Gibbs Rd. / Elemi Bend (-32.15732, 115.86381) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Karel Ave. / SR 3 (Roe Hwy.) EB Ramps (-32.08544, 115.86405) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
Raindrop shaped. | |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Karel Ave. / Berrigan Dr. (-32.09006, 115.86411) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Murray Australia |
Sutton St. / Country Rd. / Sanctuary Dr. (-32.61094, 115.86438) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Aubin Grove,
WA Cockburn Australia |
Gaebler Rd. / Giverny Gardens / Cape Le Grand Ave. (-32.16838, 115.86484) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Bartram Rd. / Beenyup Rd. /Brenchley Dr. (-32.14604, 115.86514) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Alexander Heights,
WA Wanneroo Australia |
The Avenue / Azelia St. (-31.83037, 115.86644) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Aubin Grove,
WA Cockburn Australia |
Gaebler Rd. / Camden Blvd. / Brindabella Ave. (-32.16835, 115.86753) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Stirling Australia |
Boyare Ave. / Honeywell Blvd. (-31.85657, 115.86774) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Beenyup Rd. / Fellowship Link / Acacia Compass (-32.14916, 115.86786) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Karel Ave. / Pilatus St. / Orion Rd. (-32.09103, 115.86835) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Cockburn Australia |
Beenyup Rd. / Tapper Rd. (-32.15142, 115.86977) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Swan Australia |
Beach Rd. / Crocker Dr. (-31.85275, 115.88261) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Canning Australia |
Apsley Rd. / Pinetree Gully Rd. (-32.04803, 115.88389) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Swan Australia |
Beach Rd. / Oxleigh Dr. (-31.85415, 115.88544) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Swan Australia |
Marangaroo Dr. / Illawarra Crescent (-31.83313, 115.88571) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Swan Australia |
Illawarra Crescent S / Kingfisher Ave. (-31.84007, 115.89466) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Swan Australia |
Cassowary Dr. / Pelican Parade (-31.84603, 115.89681) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Victoria Park Australia |
Marquis St. / Hayman Rd. / Lawson St. (-32.00824, 115.90052) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Canning Australia |
Willeri Dr. / Collins Rd. (-32.05513, 115.90441) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Armadale Australia |
Warton Rd. / Jandakot Rd. / Mason Rd. (-32.12550, 115.90470) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Victoria Park,
WA Victoria Park Australia |
Miller St. / Sunbury Rd. / Beatty Ave. (-31.97711, 115.90553) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Southacre Dr. / Goodwood Way (-32.08702, 115.90576) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Swan Australia |
Bellefin Dr. / Cassowary Dr. / (parking) (-31.84612, 115.90626) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Waratah Blvd. / Fairfield Gardens / Spyglass Cir. (-32.07712, 115.90747) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Wilfred Rd. / Southacre Dr. / Rangeview Pl. (-32.08324, 115.90826) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Swan Australia |
Marshall Rd. / Guadalupe Dr. / (parking) (-31.85720, 115.90842) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Victoria Park Australia |
Bishopsgate St. / Roberts Rd. / Miller St. (-31.97449, 115.90856) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Gingin Australia |
Cockram Rd. / Honeycomb Rd. / Mooliabeenee Rd. (-31.35878, 115.90859) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Victoria Park Australia |
Roberts Rd. / Star St. / Howick St. (-31.97213, 115.91136) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
The Ramble / Valleyview Trl. (-32.07586, 115.91159) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Victoria Park Australia |
Archer St. / Bishopsgate St. (-31.97752, 115.91205) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Goodwood Way / Brennan Rd. (-32.08720, 115.91222) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Waratah Blvd. / The Ramble / Village Green (-32.07454, 115.91294) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Goodwood Way / Queensgate Dr. (-32.08759, 115.91327) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Southacre Dr. / Goodwood Way / Tobermory Pass (-32.09484, 115.91422) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Goodwood Way / Dennis Way / Connaught Gardens (-32.09136, 115.91458) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Eucalyptus Blvd. / Waratah Blvd. (-32.07641, 115.91481) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Victoria Park Australia |
Star St. / Archer St. (-31.97514, 115.91488) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Eucalyptus Blvd. / Banksia Esplanade / Blackbutt Way (-32.08362, 115.91596) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Eucalyptus Blvd. / Caladenia Pl. (-32.07919, 115.91636) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Swan Australia |
Hepburn Ave. / SR 4 (Tonkin Hwy.) Ramps (-31.84112, 115.91721) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Canning Vale,
WA Canning Australia |
Eucalyptus Blvd. / Akania Way (-32.07541, 115.91774) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Belmont Australia |
SR 55 (Grandstand Rd.) / Waterway Crescent / (parking) (-31.93618, 115.91914) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Belmont Australia |
Alexander Rd. / Kooyong Rd. (-31.96757, 115.92067) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Victoria Park Australia |
Star St. / Mercury St. (-31.98053, 115.92118) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Piara Waters,
WA Armadale Australia |
SR 31 (Nicholson Rd.) / SR 14 (Armadale Rd.) Ramps (-32.14749, 115.92234) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
WA Victoria Park Australia |
Star St. / Oats St. (-31.98192, 115.92282) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Victoria Park Australia |
Star St. / Cohn St. (-31.98321, 115.92430) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Canning Vale,
WA Gosnells Australia |
Campbell Rd. / Alexandria Blvd. / Liffey St. (-32.09418, 115.92441) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Piara Waters,
WA Armadale Australia |
SR 31 (Nicholson Rd.) / Wright Rd. (-32.12264, 115.92461) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Canning Vale,
WA Gosnells Australia |
Campbell Rd. / Amherst Rd. (-32.08407, 115.93691) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Gosnells Australia |
SR 31 (Nicholson Rd.) / Yale Rd. / Garden St. (-32.06217, 115.93815) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Left-turn bypass lanes on southwest and northwest legs. | |
WA Bassendean Australia |
Iolanthe St. / Broadway (-31.90263, 115.94155) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Eden Hill,
WA Bassendean Australia |
Walter Rd. E / Iolanthe St. (-31.89473, 115.94156) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
WA Armadale Australia |
SR 13 (Ranford Rd.) / Southern River Rd. / Balannup Rd. (-32.11507, 115.94721) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |