State County Country |
Intersection (Lat, Lng) |
Type Status |
Control Type / Other Control Type | Approaches / Driveways / ICD (m) |
Functional Class / LaneType |
Year Completed | Comments |
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
Textile Rd. / Stony Creek Rd. (42.20172, -83.62311) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 27.4320 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-lane w/ Traversable Central Island |
2016 | |
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
Textile Rd. / Hitchingham Rd. (42.20169, -83.62088) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 27.4320 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-lane w/ Traversable Central Island |
2015 | |
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
Whittaker Rd. / Stony Creek Rd. (42.20999, -83.61936) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 48.4632 |
Unknown Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2010 | Fourth leg serves parking lot. |
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
Geddes Rd. / Superior Rd. (42.27492, -83.63755) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 60.9600 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2008 | Merging right-turn bypass lane in northeast quadrant. |
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
Geddes Rd. / Ridge Rd. (42.27679, -83.55419) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.6720 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | |
Ann Arbor,
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
Geddes Rd. / US 23 NB Ramps (42.27440, -83.67437) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.6720 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2011 | |
Ann Arbor,
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
Geddes Rd. / US 23 SB Ramps (42.27450, -83.67833) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 47.2440 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2011 | Add-lane right-turn bypass lane in northwest quadrant. |
Ann Arbor,
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
Geddes Rd. / Earhart Rd. (42.27460, -83.68216) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.1000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2011 | At Concordia College campus. |
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. / Textile Rd. (42.19859, -83.79691) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 27.4320 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-lane w/ Traversable Central Island |
2016 | |
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
M-52 (Stockbridge Chelsea Rd.) / Werkner Rd. (42.33671, -84.02885) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.6720 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | |
WY Laramie Co. United States |
T-Bird Dr. / Grove Dr. / Cheyenne St. (41.14763, -104.77139) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 43.1688 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | Adjacent to High School Stadium. Jr. High School (Middle School) is planned to be added. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Santa Ynez,
CA Santa Barbara Co. United States |
SR 154 / SR 246 (Mission Dr.) / Armour Ranch Rd. (34.61016, -120.05476) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 51.8160 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | Merging right-turn bypass lane on west leg. Yield-controlled right-turn bypass lane on north leg due to skew. |
OH Franklin Co. United States |
Demorest Rd. / Alkire Rd. (39.91363, -83.10800) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.5587 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
West Gardiner,
ME Kennebec Co. United States |
Rte 9-Rte 126 / I-95 NB Ramps / Service Plaza Dr. (44.20896, -69.82823) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 40.2365 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
ME Penobscot Co. United States |
Stillwater Ave. / Forest Ave. (44.89217, -68.70227) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 33.8442 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
MN Scott Co. United States |
Pillsbury Ave. (CSAH 46) / Deuce Rd. (CSAH 2) / 263 St. E (CSAH 2) (44.56925, -93.28505) |
Roundabout Existing |
Other Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.4371 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
VA Roanoke Co. United States |
VA 687 / Penn Forest Blvd / Colonial Ave (37.22386, -80.00757) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 1 Driveways 25.6775 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2010 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
VA Richmond Co. United States |
9 Mile Road / 25th Street / Fairmount Avenue (37.54049, -77.41056) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 26.5163 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
VA Richmond Co. United States |
Fairfield Avenue / 23rd Street (37.54821, -77.40652) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 29.3543 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
VA Richmond Co. United States |
Brookland Park Blvd. / Meadowbridge Rd. / 2nd Ave. (37.56990, -77.41815) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
6 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.2924 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
VA Richmond Co. United States |
Belmont Rd. / W Belmont Rd. (37.46750, -77.49435) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 26.5422 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2017 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
VA Loudoun Co. United States |
VA 287 / Main Street (39.13559, -77.69229) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.9082 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2013 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
RI Kent Co. United States |
Toll Gate Rd. (Rte 115) / Centerville Rd. (Rte 117) / Veteran's Memorial Drive Extension (41.69815, -71.46408) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 49.9384 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2016 | Roundabout is fully operational as of fall 2016 but still has landscape work and other minor work to be completed. There is a NEW roadway not shown on the aerial mapping - it is the Veteran's Memorial Drive Extension. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
RI Kent Co. United States |
Greenwich Ave. / Centerville Rd. / Veterans Memorial Dr. (41.70038, -71.46021) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 108.7906 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2016 | Roundabout fully operational in Fall 2016. Minor landscaping work and minor curb work required to fully complete construction. New roadway - Veteran's Memorial Drive Extension not shown on mapping. This new road connects to the new roundabout at Toll Gate Road to the west. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
RI Kent Co. United States |
Veteran's Memorial Dr. / Post Rd. / Post Rd. Extension (41.70266, -71.45475) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 59.7435 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2016 | New roundabout fully operational and opened in fall 2016. Note that traffic was previously NB only on Post Rd south of the roundbaout, and WB only on VMD, but traffic is now bi-directional in all directions. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
RI Kent Co. United States |
Post Rd. / W. Shore Rd. (41.69980, -71.45348) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.6694 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2016 | New tear-drop roundabout. Only one approach (eb) has to yield. the WB approach is a free merge. Post Road (on west side of roundabout) is EB only. Fully operational - opened in fall 2016. Post Rod (SB) was previously 4 lanes NB only, now 2 lanes in each direction. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
RI Kent Co. United States |
Post Rd. / Centerville Rd. / Greenwich Ave. (41.69875, -71.46003) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.3195 |
Unknown Single-Lane |
2017 | NOT YET CONSTRUCTED - Coming in spring 2017. Construction work has started at this location, currently in winter (2016-2017) shutdown. Note new configuration as Centerville Road on the west side has been cuttoff - can no longer access Toll Gate Road from here. Mapping not yet updated. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
TX Brazos Co. United States |
Nash St. / Broadmoor Dr. (30.66954, -96.34609) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 25.9080 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | Previously a three-leg intersection with a one-way stop. Small-radius roundabout installed when apartment complex was built and driveway became the fourth leg of the intersection. All splitter islands are mountable to allow shortcut left turns by ladder trucks and WB-67 vehicles. |
TX Brazos Co. United States |
N Main St. / 23rd St. (30.67649, -96.37298) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4800 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2018 | Crosswalks at yield line. |
TX Brazos Co. United States |
Old College Rd. / College Main St. (30.62699, -96.35515) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways 30.4800 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | . |
College Station,
TX Brazos Co. United States |
Old Main Dr. / Lamar St. / Jones St. (30.61311, -96.34466) |
Other Existing |
Other None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.5760 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
1970 | Some yield control, some stop control. |
College Station,
TX Brazos Co. United States |
Arrington Rd. / Private Dr. A / Private Dr. C (30.55915, -96.26419) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.7200 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2011 | Original approaches on Arrington Rd were completed in 2009. The other two legs providing access to the retail developments were added by 2011. |
College Station,
TX Brazos Co. United States |
Scott and White Dr. / Old Rock Prairie Rd. (30.58426, -96.28080) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 64.0070 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | On the grounds of the Scott and White Hospital complex, serves the main entrance to the hospital. |
College Station,
TX Brazos Co. United States |
Wellness Ln. / Stonebrook Dr. (30.58436, -96.27781) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4800 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | On the grounds of the Scott and White Hospital complex, serves a secondary entrance to the hospital. |
CT Tolland Co. United States |
Windsorville Rd. / Wappington Rd. / Skinner Rd. / Pinney St. (41.86738, -72.49265) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 1 Driveways 40.9127 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2009 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
CT New London Co. United States |
Rte 85 (Hartford Rd.-New London Rd.) / Rte 82 (E Haddam Rd.-Norwich Rd.) (41.47662, -72.26473) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 33.1084 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2012 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
CT Fairfield Co. United States |
Park Ave. / Rte. 15 (Merritt Pkwy) WB Ramps (41.22857, -73.24581) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 28.7436 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2015 | Constructed by private developer. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
CT Fairfield Co. United States |
Reserve Rd. / Milestone Rd. (41.38525, -73.51778) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 40.3237 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2013 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
CT Fairfield Co. United States |
Reserve Rd. / Old Ridgebury Rd. (41.38810, -73.53322) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 34.0496 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2007 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OR Deschutes Co. United States |
Brookswood Blvd. / Murphy Rd. / Larkwood Dr. (44.02132, -121.32810) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 1 Driveways 34.3528 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | Year Completed estimated (2014-2017). Previously three legs. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Sugar Land,
TX Fort Bend Co. United States |
Imperial Blvd. / Stadium Dr. (29.62548, -95.64404) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 54.8637 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2012 | Primary access to a minor league baseball stadium. |
Sugar Land,
TX Fort Bend Co. United States |
Museum Square Dr. / Savannah Heights Blvd. (29.59595, -95.65056) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4800 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2011 | Small neighborhood entry roundabout. |
Sugar Land,
TX Fort Bend Co. United States |
Lexington Blvd. / Oxbow Dr. (29.58286, -95.63738) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.0520 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | . |
Sugar Land,
TX Fort Bend Co. United States |
Commonwealth Blvd. / LJ Pkwy. (29.56659, -95.59150) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | . |
HI Hawaii Co. United States |
SR 130 (Pahoa Rd) / Keaau Pahoa Rd. (19.50539, -154.95606) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 34.8994 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
NC Orange Co. United States |
Erwin Rd. / Mt. Moriah Rd. (35.96864, -79.00792) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 28.0319 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
NC Durham Co. United States |
Broad St. / Carver St. / Kenan Rd. (36.04003, -78.90840) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 22.8600 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-lane w/ Traversable Central Island |
2016 | |
NC Durham Co. United States |
Vintage Hill Pkwy. / Old Trail Dr. (36.12527, -78.86425) |
Traffic Calming Circle Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 79.1050 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Existed in 1993 (earliest aerial available) ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
NC Wake Co. United States |
Grand Estates Dr. / Courtney Estates Dr. (35.91682, -78.77574) |
Other Existing |
One-Way/Two-Way Stop Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 27.0830 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2004 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
NC Wake Co. United States |
Grand Estate Dr. / Shelter Cove (35.91623, -78.77478) |
Other Existing |
One-Way/Two-Way Stop Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 34.8213 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2004 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
NC Wake Co. United States |
Viewpoint Dr. / Sumter Ridge Ln. (35.91053, -78.77220) |
Other Existing |
Unknown Unknown |
2 Approaches 1 Driveways 56.1050 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
NC Wake Co. United States |
Alexander Town Blvd. / Silverthread Ln. (35.91411, -78.76947) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 26.1167 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2005 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
NC Wake Co. United States |
Alexander Promenade Pl. / Unknown St. (35.91392, -78.77933) |
Other Existing |
Other Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 23.2149 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2003 | 3 Yield, One Stop ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
NC Durham Co. United States |
Shakespeare Dr. / Gallery Ln. (35.89091, -78.82948) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.9621 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2011 | No splitter islands. Completed between 2010 and 2013 ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Bermuda Run,
NC Davie Co. United States |
US 158 / Bermuda Run Dr. / Twins Way (36.01182, -80.42149) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 34.7791 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OR Linn Co. United States |
Main St. SE / 3rd Ave. SE / Salem Ave. SE (44.63740, -123.09193) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.5944 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | Replaced offset-T intersections. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
UT Cache Co. United States |
E 1800 N / N 200 E (41.76492, -111.82867) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.5240 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2010 | Year Completed estimated (2009-2011). ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
UT Cache Co. United States |
E 500 N / N 200 E (41.74087, -111.82956) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 24.9526 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OK Cleveland Co. United States |
E Main St. / N Carter Ave. / E Acres St. (35.22562, -97.43251) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.0984 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2009 | Right-turn bypass lane in northeast quadrant. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
TX Bowie Co. United States |
Pavillion Pkwy. / Gibson Ln. / Arista Blvd. (33.45833, -94.09907) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 50.2920 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2016 | . |
OH Summit Co. United States |
Glenwood Dr. / Darrow Rd. (OH Hwy 91) (41.34087, -81.43990) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB, HAWK) |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.7644 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | Right-turn-only lanes on north and south legs. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OR Deschutes Co. United States |
Murphy Rd. / Parrell Rd. (44.01904, -121.31341) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.2129 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OR Deschutes Co. United States |
Murphy Rd. / SE 3rd St. (44.01934, -121.31703) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.7893 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OR Deschutes Co. United States |
SE 15th St. / SE Reed Market Rd. (44.03695, -121.28377) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 48.7680 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, 2x1 max) |
2014 | Left-turn-only lane on south leg. Right-turn-only lanes on west, east, and north legs. |
SD Codington Co. United States |
11th St. NE / 14th Ave. NE (44.91917, -97.09661) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 28.7541 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
NE Douglas Co. United States |
S 63rd St. / Shirley St. (41.24148, -96.00960) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-lane w/ Traversable Central Island |
2017 | |
CA Stanislaus Co. United States |
North St. / 4th St. (37.59167, -120.95337) |
Roundabout Removed |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 24.3840 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2018 | Originally constructed in 2004 as single-lane roundabout. Replaced with all-way stop in 2017-2018. |
CA Stanislaus Co. United States |
5th St. / Lawrence St. (37.59013, -120.95220) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 23.6595 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2004 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
KY Fayette Co. United States |
Alumni Dr. / University Dr. / University Ct. (38.02175, -84.50949) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 41.3980 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
KY Fayette Co. United States |
Alumni Dr. / College Way / Commonwealth St. (38.01878, -84.50541) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 41.3997 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
LA Vernon Par. United States |
US 171-LA 8 / LA 28 (31.16085, -93.26725) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 51.1004 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2012 | Year Completed estimated (2010-2013). ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Cherry St. / Manhattan Blvd. / Collingwood Blvd. (41.68485, -83.55559) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 46.3810 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
N Detroit Ave. / Berdan Ave. / Collingwood Blvd. (41.68597, -83.55630) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 49.9478 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Sylvania Township,
OH Lucas Co. United States |
W Sylvania Ave. / Mitchaw Rd. (41.68780, -83.76150) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.6760 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2013 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Sylvania Township,
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Sylvania Ave. / Centennial Rd. (41.68821, -83.74265) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 21.4055 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Sylvania Township,
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Sylvania-Metamora Rd. / Mitchaw Rd. (41.71631, -83.76299) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.7922 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Sylvania Township,
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Brint Rd. / N King Rd. (41.70285, -83.72376) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.5594 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Waterville Swanton Rd (SR 64) / Finzel Rd (41.51616, -83.78193) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.3481 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | Replaced two offset-T intersections. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Dutch Rd. / Waterville-Monclova Rd. N (41.52200, -83.73283) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 40.2388 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Dutch Rd. / Waterville Monclova Rd. S (41.52198, -83.73779) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.6620 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Watercille-Monclova Rd. / Stitt Rd. (41.53679, -83.73300) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 33.0777 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
AR Benton Co. United States |
N Walton Blvd. / I-49 SB Ramps (36.41346, -94.22015) |
Roundabout Removed |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 91.4400 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, 2x2 max) |
2016 | Roundabout constructed in 2016. Removed 2020-2021 to reconfigure interchange as a single-point diamond interchange with a different mainline alignment. Circulatory roadway in front of south leg had a through-right arrow in the left circulating lane and a fishhook through arrow with a dot in the right lane. |
NC Forsyth Co. United States |
Shallowford Rd. / Williams Rd. / Heritage Dr. (36.09394, -80.42763) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.6730 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OR Linn Co. United States |
Knox Butte Rd. E / Timber Ridge St. NE (44.64360, -123.04161) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 48.4360 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2010 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OR Benton Co. United States |
NW Squire St. / Flame Tree Ln. NW / NW Beehollow Ln. (44.66551, -123.13765) |
Traffic Calming Circle Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 18.6875 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2007 | Year Completed estimated (2006-2010). ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OR Benton Co. United States |
Flame Tree Dr. NW / NW 24th Ave. / NW Laura Vista Dr. (44.66454, -123.13891) |
Traffic Calming Circle Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 24.6340 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2007 | Year Completed estimated (2006-2010). ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OR Benton Co. United States |
SW 53rd St. / SW West Hills Rd. (44.55634, -123.31206) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 31.4882 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Crescent City,
CA Del Norte Co. United States |
Humboldt Rd. / Sand Mine Rd. (41.74014, -124.15656) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways 32.9735 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2017 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
King Rd. / Dorr St. (41.65384, -83.72302) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.4796 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Dorr St. / Centennial Rd. (41.65366, -83.74249) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.5111 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
US 20A (Maumee Western Rd.) / Eber Rd. (41.57469, -83.78644) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.7387 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
S McCord Rd. / Hall St. / N Mall Dr. (41.61732, -83.70336) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 49.1082 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
OH Lucas Co. United States |
Jeep Pkwy. / Willys Pkwy. (41.68202, -83.56738) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.6792 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
IN Delaware Co. United States |
N Morrison Rd. / W Jackson St. (40.20002, -85.44279) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.5767 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2011 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
IN Delaware Co. United States |
W Jackson St. / N Nebo Rd. (40.20592, -85.46167) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 29.1886 |
Other (At-Grade) Unknown |
2016 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
IN Delaware Co. United States |
E Riggin Rd. / N Walnut St. (40.23155, -85.38519) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 33.7366 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2015 | ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
IN Delaware Co. United States |
S Madison St. / S Walnut St. (40.15550, -85.38320) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.3385 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2014 | High intersection skew angle with right-turn bypass lanes in acute-angle quadrants. ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. |
Northfield Township,
MI Livingston Co. United States |
W 8 Mile Rd. / Whitmore Lake Rd. (42.42944, -83.76903) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.6720 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2017 | |
Northfield Township,
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
W 8 Mile Rd. / US 23 SB Ramps (42.42923, -83.76779) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2017 | Add-lane right-turn bypass lane on west leg. |
Northfield Township,
MI Washtenaw Co. United States |
W 8 Mile Rd. / US 23 NB Ramps (42.42882, -83.76591) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.1000 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2017 |