State County Country |
Intersection (Lat, Lng) |
Type Status |
Control Type / Other Control Type | Approaches / Driveways / ICD (m) |
Functional Class / LaneType |
Year Completed | Comments |
Uppsala County Håbo Sweden |
Gransäterrondellen (Kraftleden / Enköpingsvägen / E18 EB Ramps) (59.58434, 17.50639) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.3489 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Uppsala County Håbo Sweden |
Kalmarleden / Viby äng (59.55130, 17.49627) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 28.4466 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Uppsala County Tierp Sweden |
Rte 292 / E4 Ramps (60.34031, 17.48496) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 101.6538 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Sodermanland County Trosa Sweden |
Rte 219 / Rte 782 (58.91336, 17.47202) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 29.6003 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Somogy Barcsi járás Hungary |
E661-SR 68 (Köztársaság utca - Erkel Ferenc utca) / Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre utca (45.95924, 17.46679) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Olomouc Přerov Czechia |
I/55 (třída 17. Listopadu - Bratří Hovůrkových) / II/150 (Želatovská) / III/434 (Dvořákova) (49.45143, 17.46276) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Staré Město,
Zlín Uherské Hradiště Czechia |
Hustenovska / (unknown) (49.08655, 17.44884) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Srednjobosanski Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Armije Bosne i Hercegovine / 307. motorizovane brigade / Bosanska ulica / Jove Raduljčića (44.05097, 17.43798) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Uppsala County Älvkarleby Sweden |
Rte 76 / Östra Vägen / Centralgatan (60.62974, 17.41238) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 22.8446 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Bratislava Senec Slovakia |
Rte 61 (Námestie - Trnavská) / Rte 1043 (Boldocká cesta) / Rte 1049 (Ulica Slovenského Národného Povstania) (48.22306, 17.40363) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Bratislava Senec Slovakia |
Rte 61 (Bratislavská) / Rte 1062 (Pezinská) / Svätoplukova / Jánošíkova (48.21821, 17.39256) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Zlin Kroměříž Czechia |
II/367 (náměstí Míru) / II/432 (49.29680, 17.38879) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Bratislava Senec Slovakia |
Rte 61 (Bratislavská) / Rte 62 NB Off-Ramp/ Rte 503 NB On-Ramp / (parking) (48.21568, 17.38755) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
Virovitica-Podravina Croatia |
D2 (Trg bana Josipa Jelačića) / Trg kralja Tomislava (45.83413, 17.38686) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Virovitica-Podravina Croatia |
D2 (Trg bana Josipa Jelačića - Ulica Stjepana Radića) / Trg dr. Franje Tuđmana (45.83193, 17.38674) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Virovitica-Podravina Croatia |
Ulica Zbora narodne garde / Bilogorska ulica / Vukovarska cesta (45.82111, 17.38623) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Virovitica-Podravina Croatia |
D2 (Trg bana Josipa Jelačića) / Ulica Matije Gupca (45.83450, 17.38556) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Tunadalsrondellen (62.41134, 17.38064) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 48.7680 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Completed in 2009 or earlier. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Cpl Fillan (62.43186, 17.37918) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.1000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Completed in or before 2009. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Johannedalsvägen / Tunadalsvägen (62.41276, 17.36818) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.1000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Completed in 2009 or earlier. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Nedre Kemirondellen: Kustvägen / Kemivägen / Stockviksvägen (62.33737, 17.35996) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 42.6720 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | |
Somogy Nagyatádi járás Hungary |
SR 681 (Baross Gábor utca) / Somogyszobi utca / Dózsa György utca (46.23001, 17.35715) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Övre Kemirondellen (62.33837, 17.35368) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.7200 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | Year Completed estimated (2010-2017). |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
E14 / E4 Ramps (62.38152, 17.35326) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 91.4400 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2014 | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Kemivägen / E4 NB Ramps (62.33902, 17.35173) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4800 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2017 | Raindrop shaped. Year Completed estimated (2010-2017). |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Kemivägen / E4 SB Ramps (62.33946, 17.35021) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4800 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2017 | Raindrop shaped. Year Completed estimated (2010-2017). |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Gärderondellen (62.41321, 17.34968) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Completed in 2009 or earlier. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Cpl Sundsvall (62.38214, 17.34947) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.7200 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | Yield-controlled right-turn bypass lane on north leg. |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Antennvägen / (parking) (62.44086, 17.34855) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 1 Driveways 30.4800 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Completed as a 3-leg roundabout in or before 2009. Fourth leg added by 2016. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Cpl Nolby: Tunavägen / E4 SB Ramps (62.29391, 17.34802) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.7200 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
2016 | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Blå rondellen (62.44186, 17.34545) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 2 Driveways 36.5760 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Completed in or before 2009. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Tunnel Rondellen (62.44357, 17.34143) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.1000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Completed in or before 2009. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Birsta rondellen (62.44157, 17.33993) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways 48.7680 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Oval shaped. Completed in or before 2009. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Cpl Birsta N: Timmervägen / E4 SB Ramps (62.44850, 17.33855) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.7200 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2017 | Year Completed estimated (2012-2017). |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Skönsbergsvägen / Arbetarsvängen (62.39862, 17.33844) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 32.0040 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Ortviksvägen / E4 Ramps / Arbetarsvängen (62.39681, 17.33741) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways 91.4400 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
2015 | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Trafikgatan / Riddargatan / Medborgargatan (62.40071, 17.33620) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 35.0520 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Skönsbergsvägen / Trafikgatan (62.39826, 17.33512) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2016 | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Bydalsrondellen (62.41082, 17.33401) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Completed in 2009 or earlier. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Röda rondellen (62.44628, 17.33252) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.1000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Completed in or before 2009. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Cpl Birsta: Timmervägen / Gesällvägen (62.44776, 17.33228) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Completed in or before 2009. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Gula rondellen (62.44306, 17.33206) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 1 Driveways 38.1000 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Completed in or before 2009. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Grona rondellen (62.44181, 17.33162) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.6240 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, 2x1 max) |
Completed in or before 2009. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Hagavägen / Lasarettsvägen / Riddargatan (62.40083, 17.32769) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4800 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Completed in 2009 or earlier. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
Landsvägsallén / (parking) / (transit center) (62.38709, 17.31786) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 2 Driveways 51.8160 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
2021 | |
Olomouc Olomouc Czechia |
II/635 (Lipenská) / Hamerská / U sušírny (49.58907, 17.31350) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Turbo roundabout. | |
Västernorrland County Sundsvall Municipality Sweden |
IP rondellen: Universitetsallén / Skolhusallén / Norrmalmsgatan / Tivolivägen (62.39327, 17.30263) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 51.8160 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, 2x2 max) |
Completed in 2009 or earlier. | |
Olomouc Olomouc Czechia |
I/55 (Týnecká) / II/570 (Keplerova) / III/4359 (Týnecká) (49.57033, 17.30127) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Somogy Marcali járás Hungary |
SR 76 / (connector to M76) (46.68975, 17.28870) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Somogy Marcali járás Hungary |
SR 76 / Battyán út / M76 NB Ramps (46.68873, 17.28674) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
Dunajská Lužná,
Bratislava Senec Slovakia |
Rte 63 / R7 EB Ramps (48.06117, 17.28233) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
Sodermanland County Gnesta Sweden |
Rte 57 / Västra Storgatan (59.04789, 17.28212) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.7134 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Győr-Moson-Sopron Mosonmagyaróvári járás Hungary |
SR 1 (Szent István király út) / József Attila út (47.84983, 17.28164) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Dunajská Lužná,
Bratislava Senec Slovakia |
Rte 63 / R7 WB Ramps (48.06315, 17.28114) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
Zala Keszthelyi járás Hungary |
SR 71 (Csapás út - Kossuth Lajos út) / Faludi út / Tapolcai út / Balaton út (46.77387, 17.27774) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Uppsala County Enköping Sweden |
Rte 55 / Rte 263 (59.66171, 17.26534) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 48.8641 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Zala Keszthelyi járás Hungary |
SR 71 / Csapás út (46.77817, 17.26454) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Zala Keszthelyi járás Hungary |
Csapás út / (parking) / (parking) (46.77774, 17.26096) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Győr-Moson-Sopron Mosonmagyaróvári járás Hungary |
SR 1 (Levél út - Királyhidai út) / Huszár Gál u / Szekeres Richárd u / (parking) (47.87715, 17.25925) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Győr-Moson-Sopron Csornai járás Hungary |
Main roads 85-86 (Soproni út) / Main road 86 (Eszperantó út) / József Attila utca (47.61240, 17.25401) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Furuviksvägen / Norra Norelundsvägen (60.67307, 17.25367) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 22.2290 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Zala Keszthelyi járás Hungary |
Main road 71 (Lendl Adolf út) / Külső Zsidi út (46.78182, 17.25318) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Olomouc Olomouc Czechia |
II/448 (Studentská - Dobrovského) / II/446 (Na Střelnici) / Zámečnická (49.59742, 17.25250) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Zala Keszthelyi járás Hungary |
Csapás út / Zsidi út / Külső Zsidi út (46.77685, 17.25242) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Zala Keszthelyi járás Hungary |
Bercsényi Miklós utca / Vaszary Kolos utca (46.76504, 17.23738) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Zala Keszthelyi járás Hungary |
SR 71 / Hévizi út / (unknown) (46.77779, 17.22663) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
5 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Zala Keszthelyi járás Hungary |
SR 71 / SR 75 / Alsópáhoki út (46.76180, 17.21463) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Merging right-turn bypass lane on west leg. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Österbågen / Furuviksvägen / Korsnäsvägen / Klockar-Calles gata (60.67673, 17.21396) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 34.5095 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Banja Luka,
Serb Republic Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića / Bulevar vojvode Stepe Stepanovića (44.76639, 17.20923) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, 2x2 max) |
Bratislava Bratislava Slovakia |
Rte 572 (Hradská - Ráztocná) / Dvojkrížna / Hradská (48.14808, 17.20683) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Banja Luka,
Serb Republic Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Bulevar Srpske Vojske / Olimpijskih pobjednika (44.77883, 17.20638) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, 2x2 max) |
Banja Luka,
Serb Republic Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Knjaza Miloša / Ivana Gorana Kovacica (44.78744, 17.20575) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, 2x2 max) |
Banja Luka,
Serb Republic Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Trive Amelice / Dr Mladena Stojanovica (44.78446, 17.20376) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Banja Luka,
Serb Republic Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
E661 / Ivana Gorana Kovacica / Marije Dimic (44.79064, 17.19908) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, 2x2 max) |
Bratislava Bratislava Slovakia |
Vajnorský nadjazd / III/1082 (Pri starom letisku) (48.19973, 17.19759) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Banja Luka,
Serb Republic Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Isaije Mitrovića / Cara Lazara / Teodora Kolokotronisa / Patre (44.76588, 17.18785) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Österbågen / Atlasgatan / Måsberget (60.66900, 17.18543) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 33.9327 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Győr-Moson-Sopron Mosonmagyaróvári járás Hungary |
SR 1 / E65-E75-M15 NB Ramps (47.90583, 17.18506) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
Győr-Moson-Sopron Hungary |
SR 15 connector / (unknown) / M15-E65-E75 NB Ramps (48.00334, 17.18447) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
Banja Luka,
Serb Republic Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Skendera Kulenovića / Isaije Mitrovića / Kralja Petra Prvog Karadordevića / Solunska (44.76501, 17.18431) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Peanut shaped. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Atlasgatan / Brynäsgatan (60.67068, 17.18292) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 27.4958 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Banja Luka,
Serb Republic Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina |
E661 (Krajiških brigade) / R405 (Karađorđeva) / Bulevar Cara Dušana (44.77135, 17.18159) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
Győr-Moson-Sopron Mosonmagyaróvári járás Hungary |
SR 1 / SR 101 / E65-E75-M15 SB Ramps (47.90521, 17.18115) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
Győr-Moson-Sopron Hungary |
SR 15 connector / M15-E65-E75 SB Ramps (48.00225, 17.18105) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Hamnleden / Bönavägen / Björkevägen / Norrlandsgatan (60.69899, 17.17003) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 36.8236 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Rte 76 / Södra Kungsvägen / Österbågen (60.65770, 17.16523) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 45.0644 |
Other (At-Grade) Multilane (2 Lane, unspecified) |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Rte 76 / Spängersleden / Söderbågen (60.65583, 17.15662) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 39.2142 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Strömsbrovägen / Strömmavägen (60.68971, 17.15420) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 25.7255 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Södra Kungsgatan / Fleminggatan (60.66482, 17.15398) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 29.8413 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Bratislava Bratislava Slovakia |
Námestie Andreja Hlinku [Alstrova / Pri vinohradoch / III/1015 (Detvianska)] (48.21378, 17.15168) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield None |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Hamnleden / Tallåsvägen (60.69170, 17.14933) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.4166 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Tallåsvägen / Gavlehovsvägen / Norra Kungsvägen (60.69305, 17.14861) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.9843 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Ingenijörsgatan / (parking) (60.64527, 17.14753) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 20.4917 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Rte 76 / Ingenijörsgatan / Vändkretsen (60.64825, 17.14709) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 38.6380 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Ingenijörsgatan / Grafikergatan (60.64417, 17.14615) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 22.2489 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Rte 76 / Grafikergatan (60.64499, 17.14296) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
3 Approaches 0 Driveways 37.4709 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Rte 76 / E4 WB Ramps / Geodetgatan (60.64030, 17.13988) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 76.1239 |
Freeway Ramps (Grade-Separated) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
South Moravia Hodonín Czechia |
Měšťanská / Purkynova (48.86037, 17.13898) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
Gavleborg County Gavle Sweden |
Norra Kungsgatan / Norra Gatan / Norra Rådmansgatan / Hälsingegatan (60.68052, 17.13828) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways 30.4116 |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |
ICD estimated from Google Maps linework. | |
South Moravia Hodonín Czechia |
Měšťanská / Konecna / trida Dukelskych hrdinu (48.85707, 17.13505) |
Roundabout Existing |
All-Way Yield Unknown |
4 Approaches 0 Driveways |
Other (At-Grade) Single-Lane |